Blogging For MYSELF


What a wonderful world!

Shopping in Musashikosugi

Today, my wife, daughter and I went shopping in Musahikosugi. The targets are the we wanted to buy a present for our niece and a watch leather belt for me. The present which is a cloth had been reserved by my wife My wife asked the shop staff to keep a clothes, which is for the present. So, we just picked it up. A watch belt is just back-ordered. In order to know a receive date, we will take a callback from the store The store will call us and tell us when we can get the item on next Monday.

My daughter is 7 months old, so she had been hold by me I carried her in a sling. Today was without a stroller We didn't bring a baby stroller today. I had held her all day, but my shoulder had is not been broken yet, because I use this.
Ergobaby 【日本正規品保証付】【日本限定ベビーウエストベルト】 エルゴベビー ベビーキャリア 360スリーシックスティクールエア/カーボングレー CREGBC360PBLKGRY 【抱っこひも】





I hope you and your baby enjoy shopping with this sling.