Blogging For MYSELF


What a wonderful world!

Interesting words

I read the following this. Language is very interesting!

Get back to reality...

It's time to get back to reality...

Audition for baby model

photo by nmstunThis is just between us, my daughter had an audition for baby model. Actually, she passed the primary screening by photograph. The second screening is a camera test and interview with a parent. But, she didn't smile. Probabl…

Mother's Day

Tommorow, May 8, 2016, is a mother's day in Japan. My daughter and I went for a walk and find found a present for her mother. Finding a present is a secret from her mother. And then, we bought a wreath and her mother's favorite profiterole…

NAS was gone.

photo by Monroe's Dragonfly Acctualy Actually, my NAS(network attached storage) was broken yesterday. When I came back home, I could hear beep sound somewhere. It was NAS.In NAS, there were all photos and videos. Fortunately, some photos w…

Trip to Kamakura(2/2)

My family stayed in Kamakura Prince Hotel from yesterday. After we had a breakfast at the buffet, we went to Hase temple where Kannon was enshrined. there It is also famous for a hydrangeas, but it is they are not in the season. Instead of…

Trip to Kamakura(1/2)

I went to Kamakura with my wife and daughter and my parents. It was a great time for us to watch see Tsurugaokahachimangu. And we enjoyed shopping tablewares and eating seafood. My parents enjoyed playing and talking with my baby. Today, w…

Her growth

My daughter was able to slither along a floor and go over obstacles. I was so glad for her to be grow up she has grown up so fast. In the afternoon, we went to Musashikosugi for shopping. we got some summer clothes for summer. Summer is co…

How to count iPhone

I read a the following article. 「iPhone」の複数形は「iPhones」にあらず--アップル幹部、製品名の複数形表記を説明 - CNET Japan This article mentioned how to express multiple iPhone. In the article, Phil Schiller, who is the senior Vice Presi…

English and Walking

Today, I started studying english with NativeCamp. オンライン英会話のネイティブキャンプならレッスン受け放題Because, I read this article. 話し放題!オンライン英会話ネイティブキャンプが怪物すぎる。比較、評判、活用法含めておすすめをご紹介 - …

A little Outing

I went to outlet mall Kisarazu with my family and my colleague's family. Both families have a baby. So, We went there by a rental car. It's very sunny day, today. We stopped to have a break in Umihotaru, and we had lunch. After that, we en…

First day in long holiday

I had my haircut today. My wife also did. And, I set up my camera. I have a RICOH GR, which is used to take a snapshot. Because its size is small, but a senser of camera is big, and user could customize settings. Anyway this camera is one …

Drinking party

Tonight I held a drinking party with my business partner. We enjoied drinking, eating and talking. But I don't remember what we talked...


RICOH GRMy wife made a car rental reservation on April 30. We will be able to drive. But, we haven't decide where outlet go.

Planning GW

I decided to go to an outlet mall in this long holiday with my family and my colleague's family. Actually, we have not decided where which an outlet mall to go to and when we will go. Obviously, we have no reservation to rent a car haven't…

My daughter's rash

This morning, my daughter got a rash. My wife noticed that, and she decided to go to a hospital with her take her to a hospital. When the doctor checked her, her rash was resolved in almost almost gone. They were on the safe side, they dec…

My weekend

In This morning, my wife and I talked about Voltes V, which is one of Japanese Mecha anime animation programs. The details are; Chōdenji Machine Voltes V (Japanese: 超電磁マシーン ボルテスV Hepburn: Chōdenji Mashīn Borutesu Faibu?, lit. "…

Shopping in Musashikosugi

Today, my wife, daughter and I went shopping in Musahikosugi. The targets are the we wanted to buy a present for our niece and a watch leather belt for me. The present which is a cloth had been reserved by my wife My wife asked the shop st…

My first diary in English

This entry is the first day of my diary in English. Why do I write in my diary in English? When I took a counseling session about how to keep studying English constantly with my English teacher, she recomended to that I do that. So, I decl…


どれが正しいのか気になったのでググりました。 結論は以下の通りです。 ・見積もり・見積り・見積いずれも正しい。 ・見積もり書・見積り書・見積書の中で最も正しいのは「見積書」である。 見積もり・見積り・見積正しいのはどれ? | MakeLeaps どれも正し…


以下のWEBサイトでよい文章の書き方が説明されている。 その中でも特に自分が気をつけたいことを書いておく。 【3】主語と述語は、できるだけ近くに置く。 【4】文章の書き出しは、短文のほうがよい。 【6】修飾語は、被修飾語の近くに置く。 【7】長い修飾語…


下記サイトを一読して以下の2つの方針を考えましたので、備忘のために自分のメール整理方針を宣言します。自分はメールクライアントはThunderbirdを使っているので、その前提での方針です。 大量のメールをうまく管理する方法として10のポイントを挙げてみ…



MacBook AirのSSD換装後にやったこと

ネットワークが繋がる状態で⌘+Rを押しながら起動します。 タイムマシーンのバックアップから復元を選択します。 バックアップソースを選択します。今回は外付HDDです。 復元したいバックアップ断面を選択します。今回は最新の断面を選択します。 復元先を選…

MacBook AirのSSD換装前にやったこと

なぜSSD換装するのか? MacBook Air(13-inch, Mid 2011)のSSD128GBがいっぱいになったのでSSDの換装をしようと思いました。最初はMacBook Airをシン・クライアントに見立てて音楽ファイルや写真はすべてNASで管理していました。ちなみに音楽ファイルはiTun…


お昼休憩中にはてなブログ界隈をいろいろ見てたのですが、「成長せねば」とか「勉強会参加せねば」とか多くて食傷気味。なんで成長せねばならんの?? 成長すると楽しくなるのかね?仕事でおれTUEEEEってできて楽しいってことかな?日々、安穏と過ごすことが…

νガンダム Ver.Ka

【ガンダム】ヤフオクに出品されてる「MG RX-93 νガンダム Ver.Ka 改修塗装済完成品」が凄すぎてやばい! 説明画像を見てるだけでwkwkしてくるぜ・・・ |やらおん! これは絶対に見なきゃダメ。ダメ絶対。なんというオトコマエ。いろんなところをジロジ…


「なんの為に働くの?」って聞いてみた 少し先輩のAさんは「成長することが目的。そのために働いている」と答えた。 Aさんの答えについて思ったこと 成長して何になりたいのだろうか?やりたいことやなりたい自分が最終目的にあり、それに向かって成長するの…


すごい頭痛い。 頭痛痛い痛い痛い痛い。。。。 風邪かな。。。 お腹も痛い。。 腹痛痛い痛い痛い。。 もう何もしたくない。 Panasonic 頭皮エステ(サロンタッチタイプ) ルージュピンク EH-HE94-RP 出版社/メーカー: パナソニック メディア: ヘルスケア&ケア…

